Nice to meet you.

We are Dean and Meg, the creatives and business people behind MPBraith. Nice to meet you. Between the two of us, we can fly an airplane, teach YOU to fly an airplane, juggle, catch a rattlesnake, potty-train a toddler, and of course, write a mean communications and training plan. Suffice it to say your project is in capable hands.

Meg has a diploma in both journalism and public relations from Grant MacEwan University. Upon graduating, she worked in healthcare as a communications generalist, doing everything from writing and social media to design and media relations. She has been a communications freelancer for the past four years, working with clientele spanning spas to the oil and fuel industry. In her free time she likes to read, garden, box like a beast, and watch Japanese reality tv.

Dean has a BACS from Western University and has taught flying and flight instructors to teach people to fly for over a decade. He is a pilot for AirTransat, manning long hauls to Europe on an A330. Dean designs quality and safety control training management plans, and has developed training plans for regulated industries. An avid reader, Dean has also served as Meg’s copyeditor for the past 4 years. You can find him scanning Twitter, or somewhere with a Don DeLillo novel.

We look forward to learning all about you.